Distinguishable by its black buds
Bog arum
Relative of common houseplants
Common alder
The characteristic tree of wet coastal forests
Common polypody
The liquorice of the forest
Hoary alyssum
The harmless hoary alyssum
Lime tree
Heart-shaped leaves
Maiden pink
Declining along with dry meadows
Northern buckler fern
Large fern
Ostrich fern
Impressive fern
Peach-leaved bellflower
Large bellflower
Rugosa rose
The scourge of the shores
Sea garden angelica
Here and there on Helsinki’s shores
Warty cabbage
Eye-catching and fragrant
Mosses and lichens
Blyth's reed warbler
Skilled singer
Common raven
A powerful voice
Eurasian eagle owl
The largest owl
Eurasian hobby
Fast as an arrow
Icterine warbler
Treetop singer
Red-backed shrike
Bandit-masked male
Scarlet rosefinch
Highly distinctive song
White-tailed eagle
Conservation success story
Wood warbler
A song like a coin rolling on a table
Helsinki offers ideal habitats for bats
Eurasian otter Rare
Tracks by the ice
European badger