Drooping flowers on the rocks
Golden carpets on the rocks
The characteristic tree of wet coastal forests
The liquorice of the forest
Horsetails of shores and wastelands
Beautiful but poisonous
Calluna vulgaris
The harmless hoary alyssum
Cetraria islandica
Traditional dye plant
Fragrant queen of summer nights
May lily
Large fern
Juicy, edible leaves
Impressive fern
Large bellflower
Inflorescence like a rabbit’s fluffy tail
The scourge of the shores
Here and there on Helsinki’s shores
A magical fairy tale herb
Eye-catching and fragrant
Violet rugs on the rocksBlue-violet flower carpets on the rocks
A powerful voice
The most common waterfowl in the Baltic Sea
Small but energetic
Fast as an arrow
Deep diver on Helsinki’s shores
Carduelis chloris
Black back, yellow feet
Common shore bird
Highly distinctive song
Motacilla alba
Haliaetus albicilla
Sylvia communis
A song like a coin rolling on a table
A runaway that has found shelter in Finland
Helsinki offers ideal habitats for bats
Tracks by the ice
Pipisrellus nathusii