Food for common brimstone and holly blue larvae
Downy birch and silver birch, the most common deciduous trees in Finland
Truncheon plant
The characteristic tree of wet coastal forests
Covering the water surface in green
Extensive reed beds
Eye-catching, but only for a moment
Absent from the coast
Not poisonous
A visitor that’s integrated a bit too well
Glowing stands on shores
Impressive shoreside beauty
‘Water pig’
Long-tailed reed bed-dweller
The largest tern
Yellow and yellower
Flies with its neck straight
The common wood pigeon has a white spot on its neck
Heard, but not seen
Builder of floating nests
Flies with neck retracted
Large, brown goose
Treetop singer
Finland’s smallest woodpecker
Hovering over the reeds
Nests in the middle of open terrain
Bandit-masked male
Cultural bird
Loud singer
Sedge warbler, Eurasian reed warbler and great reed warbler
Strange sounds in the reeds
The national bird of Finland
Helsinki offers ideal habitats for bats
Tracks by the ice
An invasive alien species
The stoat has a black-tipped tail