Small-leaved lime

Tilia cordata

Lime © Jussi Helimäki

The small-leaved linden has a thick crown and a well-developed deep root system, and it can successfully endure shade, cold, and storms. It grows well in fresh and humus-rich loam and mild clay soils. It cannot endure in swampy soils, but it can withstand drought quite well. The small-leaved linden is a very good tree for making honey – on a good year, up to 1,000 kg of honey can be obtained from a hectare. It contains a lot of excellent nectar, from which people can make linden honey, which is a cure rich in vitamins. Their flowers also contain vitamin C. Bees like their flowers so much that during the blossoming of small-leaved lindens, they collect nectar even at night, which they never do otherwise. The wood is soft, light, and white, and easily processed. Its wood is interesting because it does not constrict upon drying; neither does it bend or crack. Therefore, it has been widely used in joinery and fretwork.