Wild boar

Sus scrofa

Wild boar, photo: Arne Ader

A wild animal in the Suidae family. Wild boars are omnivores, as are swine. Thanks to their extremely good sense of smell, they can find most of their food by nuzzling the ground. They feed on plant roots, rhizomes, and tubers. The male wild boar is a boar, the female is a sow, and their young offspring are called piglets. They are covered in coarse setaceous hair, which is from dark grey to brown. Their body is stocky and their feet are quite long. The piglets have light stripes on their body when they are born, but these fade between their second and sixth month. The hair will look like that of an adult wild boar by their first year. Males are usually bigger than females and also have four protruding canine teeth, which grow all throughout their life. They usually live from 9–10 years, but sometimes, even 25 years. They tend to be more active at night, which means they can mostly be seen in early mornings and late evenings. On average, they search for food for 4–8 hours a day. They do so in a group, as it is a social activity for them. During daytime, they rest in shady places, such as shrubs.