Maarjamäe Cliff is an exceptional natural rarity as its 4,5km makes it the most extensive limestone outcrop in Tallinn. The cliff is part of the Baltic Klint, which extends approximately 1200 km in the Baltic Sea. The cliff also offers amazing views on the Tallinn Bay.
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There is a shared-use path leading up to the cliff, but many footpaths cross the Maarjamäe alvar.
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1811. aastal asutas Johan Gottlieb Clementz Maarjamäe piirkonda suhkruvabriku, mille järgi kutsuti ala algselt Suhkrumäeks. Silmapaistvaim paljand Maarjamäe paekaldal kannab senini Suhkrumäe paljandi nime.
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