Corn crakes are a little bit smaller than thrushes and they are mostly brown. Their body is slim, their beak is thick, and they have rounded reddish-brown wings. Their head and breast are grey; the back is light brown with contrasting black stripes. The bottom side of their body is light-coloured, and there are light stripes on the sides. They mostly hide in high grass and shrubs. Corn crakes are rarely seen, but often heard. They only fly for a short period of time, feet hanging as they land again. They spend most of their lives on the ground, in high grass on cornfields and fields of shamrock, on damp meadows, shrubbery meadows, and clearings. They build their nests in hollows, which they edge with reed and moss. They usually have 9–10 chicks, who are ready to leave the nest in just a few hours and will soon be totally independent. Under protection (protection category III).